Introducing Credit Card Terminals to Your Team
We're here to help you make a smooth transition to using credit card terminals in your store, food truck, or flea market stand. Our reliable Payhub terminals like the clover mini can go anywhere your team needs them to!
Let your employees know that you'll be there for them every step of the way. We just know they will be processing payments in no time with these simple tips.
Simulate a few different situations with your team that you might have with a customer - it’s super easy to get up and go to a table or different area of the store/restaurant with the Clover Flex and Clover mini terminals.
Give your team the tools to problem solve when an issue occurs. That way your employees can get back to checking out customers as soon as possible. You can make your own unique checklist by using our quick reference guide. (This comes with your new terminal.)
Simply take the time to answer any questions or talk about terminal updates during your regular check - ins. It’ll go a long way if your employees feel that they have a forum for voicing concerns. It's a great way to help one another, especially if you've had similar issues.
Go over what it means to be EMV chip card compliant. EMV stands for Europay, MasterCard and Visa, who were the original founders of the global standard for card processing and security. This standard is what created the EMV smart chip.
Payment processing terms like point-of-sale, card not present, and ISO are super important to know if you're carrying out a transaction with a customer. Check out our post with 15 payment processing terms!
Make sure your team is having fun too. Play some upbeat music in the store and have a staff party to end out the week. Show them how much you truly appreciate their hard work.