Ready to CRUSH it?

Your to-do list is long. Trust us, we can relate. Owning a business, and juggling the rest of life can be overwhelming at times. Most of us have multiple to-do lists. Time and time again we hear about work-life balance. It's something that everyone tries to practice on a daily basis. It's easy to get caught up in prioritizing our time in being able to cross those to-do's right off the lists, rather than setting aside some time on how to prioritize our priorities better and simplify the daily grind. Here at PayHub Payments, we took the time to figure that out. We set aside our to-do lists for a little while and dove into the depths of what it takes to make the to-do list manageable, the simplest ways to get through that list and most importantly - how to complete the to-do list! Regardless if your to-do list is for your business, your family, your social schedule or just simply your shopping list at Target - we have compiled the top six ways that you can CRUSH your to-do list.
Step 1: Break It Up! Break it up! If you currently only have one to-do list, split it up by category. Create a list for each realm of your life to help organize your thoughts and your to-do's. You will save time by having the appropriate list in the appropriate location and won't need to worry about getting milk while you are at your desk at work. Step 2: Prioritize Taking a little time to identify which tasks are the most important to your success will allow you to tackle your list strategically. Step 3: Delegate In some cases, there may be some items on your list that would be best suited to pass along to someone else. Asking for help or support enables you to focus on the tasks that you can excel at the best. Step 4: Set A Reminder! Utilizing technology to help with your to-do list automates the process. Set reminders in your calendar for specific tasks to keep them top of mind without filling up mind space. Step 5: Be Realistic Having a very long to-do list can be daunting. We found that creating shorter lists and successfully completing them (and throwing them away) allowed us to have more success in checking our to-do's off our list. Creating unrealistic expectations with lengthy lists will most likely deter rather than motivate. Step 6: Focus Focus on one thing at a time. There are mixed reviews on multi-tasking. Through our experiment, we found that just tackling one task at a time allowed us to get more accomplished rather than when we tried to do two things at a time. Some people have proven to be successful at multitasking, see which method works best for you!
Additionally, we have created a FREE worksheet for you to track your to-do's with ease and simplicity. Use the checkbox to give each completed task a BIG check off the list. Click here to download!