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The Best Ways to Protect Against a Data Breach
As data breaches and malware increase globally, it can feel like no company is safe, with even large chain franchises being targeted....

How Your EMV Chip Fights Fraud
By now, most are familiar with the EMV chip, as almost everyone has been issued a new card by their bank containing one. EMV cards are...

What are the Benefits of EMV for Your Business?
When it comes to EMV and the smart technology that is equipped within it, EMV, also known as EuroPay, MasterCard, Visa is becoming more...

EMV in 2017
With the explosion of EMV technology for payment processing it is hard to keep track of what has been occurring. Businesses and consumers...

The Development of EMV Chips
All of our terminals, pin pads, and Clover machines are equipped with EMV technology. Here at PayHub Payments, we believe in the power of...

Clover Go vs. Clover Go All-In-One
When it comes to the Clover, we offer an array of different options so that all businesses can use this great system. Whether it’s the...

5 Things to Keep Next to Your Terminal
Whether you're a pizza restaurant, furniture store, dry cleaner, dog groomer, or what have you, we have tons of equipment to keep your...

What Makes Us Unique?
When we first started PayHub Payments with our friends at Nathan Accounting Group, we recognized that customers were faced with high...

PayHub Has the Little Things You Need
Pin pads, mounts, paper, and more! The great thing about PayHub is that we offer all the little add-ons and extra necessities that many...

Dan's Processing Tips
It can be beneficial to hear tips about using payment processing equipment or functions, as well as learn more about what Payhub can do,...

Can the Clover Be the Next Addition to Your Business?
Whether you just want to treat your company to a new upgraded system or it’s time for a new helper to make payment processing easier in...

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud: Part Two
It’s of the utmost importance to us that your credit card information is kept safe. To help you combat this, we’ve compiled 5 more ways...

5 Ways to Protect Yourself Against Credit Card Fraud: Part One
Credit card fraud is becoming more and more prevalent in today’s age. Thieves are becoming smarter and more innovative with how they...

5 Reasons Why the Cloverâ„¢ is the Next Best Thing (Part 2)
CloverTM is one of the top control systems that offers an array of services, options, features and much more. PayHub Payments has listed...

5 Reasons Why the Cloverâ„¢ is the Next Best Thing (Part 1)
For the business world, CloverTM is the finest control system entirely for simplifying your business in the most efficient way possible....
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